As some of you know, our son Aaron is on the USS Enterprise...in Libya. We're trusting in God's promises for the safety of all our sailors and soldiers:
1. God is on our side; therefore we declare that we cannot be defeated, discouraged, depressed or disappointed. (Rom 8:37, Psalm 91, Phil 4:13)
2. As we speak God's promises, they come to pass. They stop all attacks, assaults, oppression and fear from our life. (2 Peter 1:2-4, Mark 11:23-24)
3. God's angels are carrying out the Word of God on our behalf. (Psalm 103:20)
4. We live under a supernatural protection. (Psalm 91)
5. Any adversity, attack, accidents and tragedies that were headed our way are diverted right now in Jesus' name. (Psalm 91)
For a complete list of declarations, see my other blog
http://www.markingsinthewood.blogspot.com/Start declaring God's promises today!

Here's Aaron with his twin brother Jordan. Aaron is quite the comedian. He's been entertaining the troops on the big E. He said every week more and more sailors show up for his show. He sent a desperate email home, asking for more material, as he's running out of funny stories to tell. I'm so glad he's helping to keep everyone's spirits up on the ship.

Here's a picture of Aaron doing a gig in 2009. I had just broken my ankle when we flew to visit him. When we arrived at the airport, he picked me up with a wheelchair he had rented for me. After I got settled in, he wheeled himself onto the elevator, and went down to the lobby to put on an insanely funny show for everyone. I think Aaron got much more use from the wheelchair than I did, heheh...

This is a picture of Aaron enjoying the rides at Busch Gardens. I posted this last year, and some of my blog friends who didn't know us very well commented on what a 'special' relationship I have with my boy. I think they thought he really was ...
special. I nearly died laughing!

I just found this picture posted on the USS Enterprise facebook page. I have no clue how Aaron made this picture, but I think it's totally awesome!

This was found on the big E facebook page too. The fun never ends!
Thank you for all of your prayers. Between this situation and Japan's tragedy, we've been spending a lot of time on our knees. But our Commander in Chief is the mighty Lord Jesus, and He's leading His army on His trusty white horse!