Here's Herbie, in all his glory. We had a great time celebrating the big 'Over the Hill' milestone.
I made Herbie a nice cake, but before I had a chance to light the candles, he got into the cake and polished it off. I caught him in the act, as you can see by the frosting on his face.
I'm married to my best friend. Together we have raised four children and spoiled two grandchildren.I love God and want to serve Him. Some are called to work in the mission fields, others are called to preach or teach. I would love to be a missionary, but for now God called me to be His court jester. So I said "Ok God, but first you have to make me funny." To which He replied "I'm on it!"
I sometimes feel silly for this foolishness, but then again I'm a fool for Christ. A poetry and palm tree-lovin' fool...