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Children of God

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!" (1 John 3:1)

Doesn't this picture just make you smile? I laugh hysterically, but that's because this is my son, Aaron. Aaron lives out of state, so I don't get to see him very often, but we talk on the phone several times a week. Our conversation (in Elmer Fudd voices) goes something like this:

"Hewwo Aawon!" I say, in a cheerful voice.

"Hewwo Momma Dude!" He'll say.

Are we completely off our rockers? Why, yes. Thanks for asking. Aaron is my most cheerful child. Even when he was a toddler, he was always laughing and cracking us up. I guess you could say he hasn't, um, grown up yet. The child in him continues to delight us.

Is there a carefree child somewhere inside you? Let it out. It feels so gooood!

"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matt 18:3)