Well hey there, friend! I haven't been MIA (missing in action), just CIA (camping is awesome). Been out twice and plan to do a lot more. We got a brand-spanking new trailer, and it's a bee-ute! Now pull up a chair and pass the marshmallows while we catch up...
Let's see. Since I last posted there's been two funerals, two anniversary parties, a graduation party, a wedding shower and... one fractured knee for Herbie. Praise the Lord! Now Herbie has more time to spend with me and God. We've been having some awesome times with God everyday, I tell you what.
God did something cool on our last camp out. One night I had a dream about a pastor we met a few years ago, and the next morning he emailed us! Then the next night I had a dream about Kelly, an old friend from my past that I haven't seen for 20 years. The next day Mark stopped at a grocery store for more marshmallows (what else?) and he saw Kelly there! What does all of that mean? Well, maybe nothing earth-shattering, but I think these are markers. God is just letting us know that everything that's been happening is His divine plan in His divine order. And I don't think I'm s'posed to just make a journal entry and keep it to myself.
Whatever has been happening in your life is by God's divine plan! Even if it doesn't seem like sumpin' good at the time, it's all good...
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on your path. (Psalm 119:105)