Our daughter Jennifer was inducted into the Hall of Fame for the company she works for. She had a record year in sales, and is one of the company's top ten people in the country.
This was the reason for our Texas trip. The event took place at a posh hotel in Houston last weekend. It was quite prestigious! They put Jenni up in a luxurious suite.

Jenni gave her acceptance speech, and then they played a video with pictures of her from childhood to adulthood, and pictures of all the places she has traveled to.
They gave her wine glasses and chocolates, and a $5,000 travel voucher...

and a Rolex and a diamond ring.

The next night they whisked all their top people away in a limo to a private party at a nightclub in Houston that they closed to the public for a night of wining, dining and dancing...

Life is good!
Unfortunately we scheduled our flight home before we knew the Green Bay Packers would be in the play-offs. But (whew!) we were able to catch the first half of the game at the airport, at Buffalo Wild Wings. We boarded the plane during half time, and then by the grace of God, our airbus had TV's, and we got to watch the second half of the game. There was a lot of shouting going on in that airplane, I tell you what! Woo Hoo!