God is so good, I just have to share! A few years ago we were having financial difficulties. We responded to our needs by getting down on our knees, and God heard us. One night I awoke from sleep and remembered what I dreamt. I dreamt our mailbox was full of checks. Just then Mark woke up, and said "I just dreamt that our mailbox was full of checks!" We both had the same dream!
This was around the time that we received a revelation regarding 'Mercy vs. Sacrifice.' (See past post). Right after that, someone came to our house with a fantastic job opportunity for Mark. God's been blessing our socks off! But that's not all. Mark's been working way too hard at his full-time job and this part-time job which has turned into a full-time job. We've been talking about him quitting the factory job. The only reason he's keeping it, is because of the insurance they offer. It would be very scary to do this, especially in today's economy!
This morning I was having my God time, when I picked up my book "Jesus Calling." And I read this:
Draw near to Me with a thankful heart, aware that your cup is overflowing with blessings. Gratitude enables you to perceive Me more clearly and to rejoice in our love relationship. Nothing can separate you from My loving Presence! That is the basis of your security. Whenever you start to feel anxious, remind yourself that your security rests in Me alone, and I am totally trustworthy.
You will never be in control of your life circumstances, but you can relax and trust in My control. Instead of striving for a predictable, safe life, seek to know Me in greater depth and breadth. I long to make your life a glorious adventure, but you must stop clinging to old ways. I am always doing something new within My beloved ones. Be on the lookout for all that I have prepared for you.
While God was speaking to me this morning, my ears started to feel....alive! You know how sometimes you feel the Holy Spirit stirring within, and it feels like rushing waters are flowing inside? Well I had that same feeling in my ears. (He who has ears to hear, let him hear!) I read that to Mark, and we both had tears in our eyes. God is saying to let the factory job go - HE will continue to provide!
While God was speaking to me this morning, my ears started to feel....alive! You know how sometimes you feel the Holy Spirit stirring within, and it feels like rushing waters are flowing inside? Well I had that same feeling in my ears. (He who has ears to hear, let him hear!) I read that to Mark, and we both had tears in our eyes. God is saying to let the factory job go - HE will continue to provide!
Anyway...I hope you'll be encouraged - When you seek God's Kingdom, He takes care of yours!
We're going camping for a week, so I'll catch up with everyone next week. Enjoy the rest of your summer!